今週はLarks' Tongues in Aspicを毎日毎日、何回も聴いていた。
You Tubeでしか聴いた事無いRed以降(あまりピンと来ないけど悪いわけではない)も欲しくなる、ライブ音源も・・・、お金かかるなぁ。
If I only could decieve you
Forgetting the game
Every time I try to leave you
You laugh just the same
'Cause my wheels never touch the road
And the jumble of lies we told
Just returns to my back to weigh me down...
We lay cards upon the table
The backs of our hands
And I swear I like your people
The boys in the band
Reminisences gone astray
Coming back to enjoy the fray
In a tangle of night and daylight sounds...
All completeness in the morning
Asleep on your side
I'll be waking up the crewmen
Bananna-boat ride
She responds like limousine
Brought alive on the silent screen
To the shuddering breath of yesterday...
There's the succor of the needy
Incredible scenes
I'll believe you in the future
Your life and death dreams
As the cavalry of despair
Takes a stand in the lady's hair
For the favour of mafing sweet sixteen...
You make my life and times
A book of bluesy Saturdays
And I have to choose...
King Crimson ★ Book Of Saturday
6月17日(火) 名古屋:Zepp Nagoya
6月18日(水) 大阪:サンケイホールブリーゼ
6月19日(木) 東京:渋谷公会堂
6月20日(金) 東京:渋谷公会堂
John Wetton/ジョン・ウェットン(Vo・B)
Carl Palmer/カール・パーマー(Ds)
Geoff Downes/ジェフ・ダウンズ(key)
Sam Coulson/サム・コールソン(G)
King Crimson ”Larks' Tongues in Aspic"
You Tubeでしか聴いた事無いRed以降(あまりピンと来ないけど悪いわけではない)も欲しくなる、ライブ音源も・・・、お金かかるなぁ。
If I only could decieve you
Forgetting the game
Every time I try to leave you
You laugh just the same
'Cause my wheels never touch the road
And the jumble of lies we told
Just returns to my back to weigh me down...
We lay cards upon the table
The backs of our hands
And I swear I like your people
The boys in the band
Reminisences gone astray
Coming back to enjoy the fray
In a tangle of night and daylight sounds...
All completeness in the morning
Asleep on your side
I'll be waking up the crewmen
Bananna-boat ride
She responds like limousine
Brought alive on the silent screen
To the shuddering breath of yesterday...
There's the succor of the needy
Incredible scenes
I'll believe you in the future
Your life and death dreams
As the cavalry of despair
Takes a stand in the lady's hair
For the favour of mafing sweet sixteen...
You make my life and times
A book of bluesy Saturdays
And I have to choose...
King Crimson ★ Book Of Saturday
6月17日(火) 名古屋:Zepp Nagoya
6月18日(水) 大阪:サンケイホールブリーゼ
6月19日(木) 東京:渋谷公会堂
6月20日(金) 東京:渋谷公会堂
John Wetton/ジョン・ウェットン(Vo・B)
Carl Palmer/カール・パーマー(Ds)
Geoff Downes/ジェフ・ダウンズ(key)
Sam Coulson/サム・コールソン(G)
King Crimson ”Larks' Tongues in Aspic"